Important Information
Classroom Book Lists - Any teacher/classroom not listed either doesn't have or has chosen not to use a classroom library.
- Turrell.ClassroomLibrary2024-25.pdf
- booksBelk.xls
- librarything_Ms.May.xls
- librarything_emmiesneed12.xls
- booksBlizard.xlsx
- booksCarson.pdf
- booksEchegaray.xls
- booksEllison.pdf
- booksFreeman.pdf
- booksGraham.docx
- booksHayne.pdf
- booksHenley.csv
- booksJESLibrary.xlsx
- booksLayne.pdf
- booksMBailey.pdf
- booksMcClendon.pdf
- booksMerz.pdf
- booksMosley.pdf
- booksNugent.xls
- booksPeacockLewis.xls
- booksPryor.csv
- booksQuarles.pdf
- booksRice.pdf
- booksSellers.docx
- booksShadrick.pdf
- booksShoemaker.pdf
- booksSimmons (2).xls
- booksSJones.csv
- booksSteele.xls
- booksSThomas.xls
- booksThompson (2).docx
- booksThompson2.xlsx
- booksTurrell.pdf
- booksWalker.csv
- booksWalker2.pdf
- booksWilson.xls
- Walker Bookshelf.xlsx
Blizard Books
JES Library
Jasper Elementary School has been designated for the 2023-2024 school year at a Targeted Support and Improvement School (TSI).